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Monday, September 16, 2013

Look Around

I sit here at this moment, writing and looking out on an empty beach. Nothing but a bunch of seaweed, seagulls, and a zillion dead horseshoe crabs. Not sure why so many crabs, but it seems like this beach is a grave yard for them. Seagulls enjoy it though!

I have had a lot on my mind lately. So I sit here and think. The peace and quiet should help right? Thinking things like What could I have done differently? Why did I chose to do certain things? If I had made other choices, how would my life be? All these things don't matter now of course because I already made the path, but sometimes I think, I wish I had done that instead. Have to live with my choices though. Regrets or not.

Not all is bad of course, as I look at this beach, my tan skin, sun bleached leg and arm hair, but what if I stayed at a certain job, what if I didn't go to some place, what if I didn't spend money doing that thing, and what if I stopped her from getting on that airplane? Too many what ifs that I cannot change now. Just have to accept the choices and mistakes I have made.

I've learned definitely. I've enjoyed life, been to some amazing places, met lots of fun people, I've loved and I've lost. That's how life is.

Gotta go out and live, not hold back on things you want, and if you love someone, don't hold it back because you probably won't get a second chance. Say it before it's too late.

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