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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Giving of Thanks

As Thanksgiving approaches, everyone gives thanks for what they have in their lives. I am no different. The cliche says that there are so many things to be thankful for. It is true that people should be thankful for what they have. You see it everyday though that people want more and more and are never happy with what they have. The more stuff they have or buy, they happier they think they are. It only makes them want more. Ipads, mini ipad, iphone 5, 6, 7 or whatever number they are on now. Pretty soon there will be an icar, and how many people will be in line for that when it comes out. IHP 

Not too long ago, I was having deep conversation with someone about our lives. I say daily that I am too old, I know I am immature, I don't have much of anything, I am in debt up to my ass, and I probably won't find anyone because of all these reasons. And this person said to me, "all those reasons is what makes you who you are. Age is just a number, you are fun and make others have fun, everyone is in debt, and a girl would be dumb not to take you because you are a great person." I shrugged it off of course like I always do, even though I give others advice to take compliments and roll with them. Hypocrite haha. But it is true, without all that, who the hell would I be? So what I take as flaws in me, others look at it differently.

For me though, I do have thanks to throw out there. I am taking all the good and all the bad this year, and saying thank you. Without all of it, who knows what would have happened or where I would be at. To all the people who have supported me and the path I have chosen for my next move, I will do my best and try not to let you down. To all the doubters and people who have said I am nothing and never will amount to anything, thank you for the motivation.

Come Monday, all the hard work from the last year gets put into play. From the BS I went through at the end of last year to the horrid first boot camp of NPTI to now, I am ready to give all the appreciation to those who deserve it. Nothing has been forgotten.