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Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 1

So let me begin by saying I have only been here for one week and I have already learned some interesting things. For one, red lights in Boston are way too long. Understable because people drive like asses, but still annoying. Second, I realize how dependent on technology we are.

As I am driving around Boston, I tend to see what other people are doing in their cars. I enjoy people watching because you never know what you are going to see. What I did notice is technology plays a very important part in our lives. Every stop light someone is texting, or check facebook or talking on the phone. Most cars have GPS in the windows. Coming from someone who grew up without a cell phone and who had to use maps to get anywhere, I adapted to this technology change as well, I realize I do the same thing. I always wonder what people are doing so I check facebook so much during the day. I can get anywhere and just listen to Helen (my GPS) tell me where to turn and how far I have to go, and I can enjoy the sights of this new venture I am on. My cell phone is basically a part of me as well as everyone elses. We can do anything from saying hi to a friend to ordering a pizza from Domino's to even looking for work.

I do miss the days of going out and riding my bike up and down the road, or playing basketball for hours on end in my yard, and not worrying what everyone else is doing. Life was simple back then. Now we Like every comment and picture people put on Facebook. We post whatever it is we are doing so someone will Like it and make conversation. Oh how life has changed. Makes me think of other changes in my life time, such as, downloading whole albums before they even come out, maps, cassette tapes and even cds. I bought a smart phone this past summer and it was obsolete before the year was even up. Life changes quick and we have to keep up with it. I can only imagine how life will be for my grandkids and what cool new gadgets and toys they will have, and how will I change to that.

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