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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Live Greatly

The more I do in the fitness industry, the more I realize why I chose it.

Basically, I live in a one gym or another. I spend more time in a gym than I do my own apartment. I see people working out many different ways, some know what they are doing, and others do not. I see coaches who are telling their team to do wrong things. It happens on a daily basis. Some listen to advice, and some do not. Their loss.

The ones that train with me now, whether it is in a group class or individually, I thoroughly enjoy working with them. They bust their ass and push each other at the same time. When at the end of the workout, and there is a mass of people just laying on the ground and not speaking, I know I did my job. They got the workout they were coming for. They may have swore at me multiple times (which also happens on a daily basis), but in the end they all say thank you and keep coming back.

I see them changing many aspects of their lives and think differently on life. They hold each other accountable and call them out when they are not there that day. They ask for harder workouts to challenge themselves more. At first I took it easy because I wanted them to like me and come back, then I realized, screw that they are here for a workout and I want to push them to their limits and have them push themselves to their limits. In the end, it works.

Talking to others and have them say how much they hear about my classes, is a great thing to hear. It has given me more confidence in myself to design better workouts, push them, and open up to them more, and also in my own workouts. I see people from age 60 and up doing things I never expected and can run circles around me. They now push me to be better and challenge myself. I have been challenged in a CrossFit workout by a class. Now I can't let them win that! However, some of them are pretty badass.......For the ones that know of the 12 Days of Bootcamp workout, my lunch time class, loves it. Why......I have no clue because I remember the first time I did it.....ugh

So if you have an excuse of you can't do something, come see me because I have a 71 year old lady that I train, and she will show you that you can do anything, and probably kick your ass as well.

"Do or do not......there is no try"  YODA

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