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Thursday, January 17, 2013


So, I realized I have not wrote in a long time. Sorry for that, things just have been a little hectic. But I am back and waned to say hi........so HI!

Anyways, life has been interesting lately.  A little challenging of course, but when isn't it. Things are not falling the way I had hoped, but it is still early and hopefully it works out in the end. I realized that being a personal trainer is more gratifying than I thought. I won't lie, there have been somedays that I feel the only time I was happy was when I was training a client or doing a class. I watch them push through whatever workout I give them and they accomplish it and they are proud. Now that doesn't mean that they don't tell me to F OFF multiple times during the workout and hate me while they are doing it, but in the end it is worth it. They are happy and smiling, most of the time. And seeing that makes me realize that I am doing good in this world and helping people. I give lots of advice to people and they take it or leave it, and then they turn it right back on me telling me to take my own advice...I never listen of course.

 These people deal with shit daily, and the only time they get away from it is when they are killing it in the gym. It is a stress relief. I feel the same way. I get in the gym and I take out whatever is on my mind on the weights or CrossFit. I feel relieved when I am finished and even after training someone. What I do is changing people's lives daily. I wouldn't change it for anything. Of course I have my own issues to deal with, but I get to enjoy these moments in the gym with others and just forget about those problems for a while.

I look back at how I thought my life was going to be, and where I would be. Have I got to where I am supposed to be, who knows, but what I do know is it is going to be a fun ride to get there. I know God is on my side and will put me right where I need to be. I wish it would happen sooner, however, it will happen in due time. And then this world has no idea what's in store for. Anyone wanna come along for the ride?

I leave you with this:    Boobs are like sodas, no one likes them flat